Joined In Sep 2017
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This is the worst online ticket purchase experience I have had EVER. Bought tickets 3 weeks before the event at a circus. Charged about 77 percent the price of one ticket and told to wait 48 hours for the ticket. I waited and waited. Finally after 10 days I sent them an e-mail expressing concern. They replied, ‘Oh wait til 48 hours before the performance’. That time came and passed so I called them. They replied ‘Oh, the vendor is having a problem.’ WAIT–aren’t YOU the vendor?? I complained at length. They were understanding, sympathetic and ineffective. Finally, about 6 hours later they sent me an e-mail saying I could download and print the ticket. That was quite an experience but finally had the two tickets (FROM TICKETMASTER). So we go to the circus and none of there scanners would accept the tickets! They bounced me around to a couple of windows then advised me to BUY NEW TICKETS. I smiled, called MasterCard and cancelled this *#$! Do yourself a favor and don’t put yourself through this.