Joined In Feb 2020
No info available
I purchased four tickets at inflated prices and was informed I would get an email with a link to accept and transfer the tickets to my Ticketmaster account as soon as they were released by the seller.. Having not received the acceptance email after more than two months, two days before the concert, I called to find out the status of the ticket release. I was told that someone had accepted the tickets the day after I placed the order. I explained that it could not have been me, as I never got the acceptance email. Someone hijacked my tickets, but Ticketoffices insisted that I had to have them, even after I gave their customer service agent access to my Ticketmaster account(s) and she could see for herself that there were no tickets there. I paid over $500 for four $98 tickets and got absolutely nothing for it but a lot of aggravation and high blood pressure.