
Author: dickmattie91



Joined In Sep 2021

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dickmattie91 1 Reviews
Pathetic Don't use

I ordered 2 tickets to the ND/Wisconsin Game 5 days in advance of the game. They claimed they were sent electronically on Tuesday 9/21. When I followed up on Wednesday they insisted they were sent. It took me 4 phone calls to get them to admit they were not. I called consistently for 3 days including game day morning, holding for a total of 3-1/2 hours over 4 days. Game time was 11 EST Saturday including Saturday morning. A lady in the Phillipines said they had a "team" working on getting me the tickets. At 10:33 they finally sent the tickets.....too late for us to get to the game. Horrific experience. ND should be embarrased to be affiliated with such a schlock outfit. NEVER EVER ue these lying thieves.

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