
Author: thayer1dhc87



Joined In Feb 2020

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thayer1dhc87 1 Reviews
Very dishonest company. Vindictive compant. Discimnotory company. Anti-militarly veterans.

Something went wrong with a transaction and VS ugly nature reveled itself. After calling them for over 1 month and being continually transferred to the wrong person, i wrote them an email and sent a hard copy letter to their corporate office. They did not respond to either . It got to the point that I had to file complaints with Illinois AG office as well as the Illinois office that processes discrimination complaints. I felt they targeted me because i am a disabled Army veteran. Finally they responded when the were told to do so by the AG's office. At that time they brow beat me and tried to strong arm me with bully tactics. This company is by far the worst and nastiest company i ever dealt with. I will only use Stub Hub going forward.

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